Tom Delay Plastic Surgery Before and After Facelift

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Did Tom Delay Have a Facelift?

Nip-and-tuck aficionados have been buzzing about the strangely stretched visage in the mug shot of the former Majority Leader, who is facing charges of conspiracy and money laundering.

The folks at home have studied the recent pic and an earlier one, and concluded that DeLay has had a nose job. “One nostril is almost nonexistent, while the other looks normal,” it notes, adding, “Sometimes, when a rhinoplasty surgery goes wrong, there can be problems with nostrils healing properly.”

Additionally, bloggers have dug up info that when DeLay was elected majority leader, he had his teeth capped and that he once had his eyelids lifted, supposedly to help his vision.

Did you know Tom Delay had Plastic Surgery?

Considering his age and his troubles, Tom’s face is remarkably unlined, especially the forehead. Botox?

From the tv clips of Tom & his wife the other day it is obvious that both DeLays have recently enriched a plastic surgeon’s income. Hope the doctor was paid in advance what with the lawyers lining up to line their pockets defending the indefensible exterminator from Texas. May he rot in jail & be forced to watch his heroes being frog marched out of the White House and jail.

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